Senin, 04 Oktober 2010


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Angel Fighting Devil Tattoos
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Angel Fighting Devil Tattoos
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Angel Fighting Devil Tattoos
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Angel Fighting Devil Tattoos
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Angel Fighting Devil Tattoos
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Angel Fighting Devil Tattoos
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Angel Fighting Devil Tattoos
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Angel Fighting Devil Tattoos
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Angel Fighting Devil Tattoos
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Angel Fighting Devil Tattoos
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Angel Fighting Devil Tattoos
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Angel Fighting Devil Tattoos
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Angel Fighting Devil Tattoos
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Angel Fighting Devil Tattoos
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Angel Fighting Devil Tattoos
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Angel Fighting Devil Tattoos
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Angel Fighting Devil Tattoos
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Angel Fighting Devil Tattoos
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Angel Fighting Devil Tattoos
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Angel Fighting Devil Tattoos
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Angel Fighting Devil Tattoos
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Angel Fighting Devil Tattoos
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Angel Fighting Devil Tattoos
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Angel Fighting Devil Tattoos
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angel tottoo

Angel Tattoo Pictures

There really are not that many angel tattoo designs on the internet. You can find many different tattoos, but finding a good angel tattoo design is hard to come by. Most people prefer darker or more 'evil' types of tattoos and therefore corrupt the 'good' image of an angel tattoo design. Most of these designs attract attention by the scale of their wings. You can find people who have their entire back full of an angel wings tattoo. Angel wings are becoming a popular pick for this kind of tattoo.

Minggu, 03 Oktober 2010

The Darker Side Of The Devil Tattoo

Devil tattoos are about as popular as angel tattoos. The devil tattoo offers a symbolism of fear and evil. If a person chooses to wear a devil tattoo they may want to show the world their dark side or they may just be wanting the devil tattoo to represent them in a way that is not so dark. The devil tattoo has been associated with the dark arts and it is often misunderstood as a work of evil and has been disclaimed as a work of idolatry and unsavory, unchristian motives. This is not true for most wearers of devil tattoos and if you look behind the scenes you will see that their reasons are less dark than you would think. Devil tattoos can represent that bad little boy or girl in a comedic way to show that you have a little devil in you. This doesn’t mean that you are evil or anti-religious. Everybody has a little devil in them and if you want to get a devil tattoo of Red Hot the cartoon character or Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes with little horns coming out of his head, what is wrong with that. The devil tattoo wearer is having a little fun and it should be taken as such. Even when a tattoo artist paints horns on an angel, it is just their expression of the duality of man. We are evil and good at the same time and what people see on the outside, usually doesn’t actually represent them on the inside. Devil tattoos in extreme cases may be a form of religious expression. Devil tattoos can accompany angel tattoos in a recreation of the eternal battle of good versus evil. The devil tattoos can represent the constant temptation that we have in life and how by the mere sight of them, they can instill the fear of eternal wraith and keep the person free of sin. Another reason a person might want to wear a devil tattoo is as a form of fear. The devil and Satan are seen as bad symbols and to have these tattoos on your body, especially in reference to gangs, can cause people to avoid conflict or confrontation with you. The wearer of devil tattoos for this reason usually considers themselves someone to be feared and avoided. You can even have a blend of angel tattoos and devil tattoos। You can have a demon with angelic wings and a beautiful face and the body of the demon would look like the devil. You can go the opposite way and attach horns to your angels tattoo’s head and have a forked tail coming out beneath her gown. Whatever you choose for what ever reason you can express the philosophy of good and evil or just have fun with a devil tattoo. Get creative and have fun with it. Who cares what other people think? It is your body and you can do what you want with it. Express yourself. The devil tattoo is only bad through ignorance and poor judgment.